Sunday, January 27, 2019


Grading is completed and all the books turned in last Friday and Saturday are ready to be picked up. They are in the Art and Design Office FAC 273 (Harmon Fine Arts Center). They are sitting on an end table just inside the door. The office is open during normal business hours but is closed over the noon hour. If the office is locked just go down the hall and ask someone in the Arts and Sciences Dean’s office to let you in and they should be able to help you.

If you have any problems or need to make other arrangements to pick up your books please let me know.

Friday, January 25, 2019


Final turn for all work (a maximum of 2 projects may be submitted on this day) by 5:00 PM to box in Carnegie lab, Pick up books starting Monday January 28 in room 273 FAC Art and Design Dept. Office (Harmon Fine Arts Center)

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Workday, final class. Turn in all completed projects at end of class for assessment. Don’t forget to submit a self-assessment/reflection for each of your books.

You may turn in 2 more (but no more than 2) books Saturday to allow you to finish books in progress.

You may turn in your books in Carnegie (in the box provided). You may drop books off at Carnegie until 5:00 PM.

I will have your books ready to be picked up by Monday January 28th. They will be at my office in FAC. I am located just inside the Art and Design office in room 273.

Please email me if you have any questions.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Course Evaluations, Workday

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Introduction and discussion of Japanese structures, continued.
Demonstration of Japanese Multi-Section book structure. Work in class.
For the Japanese multi-section we will mainly discuss how the materials work together and how to get your book set up and then, of course, how to sew it.

This is the last demos for the class. For the rest of the time you will be working in class toward the completion of 6 books to be submitted for your grade. Remember you must submit at least 6 but you may submit more and even re-submit corrected or otherwise improved books. Remember, your highest grade for a given book/structure will be used. The only other stipulation is that the 6 books you submit must each represent 6 of the different types of structures demonstrated in class.

Monday, January 21, 2019


Introduction and discussion of Japanese structures.
Demonstration of Japanese Four Hole book structure. Work in class.demonstrated in class.

Prepare materials and book blocks to be productive during the upcoming workdays.

Friday, January 18, 2019


NO CLASS - Martin Luther King Holiday, OPTIONAL WORKDAY
The lab will be open during class time if you would like to stop by and do some work. Your card will not work. Enter the building on the south side. Call the phone number I gave you in class if your ID does not unlock the door.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Workday, Second round of projects due. (Turn in at least 3 projects)
Remember we are working toward completing 4 books by today - or 5 by Monday. If you have turned something in and I have not graded it yet I will this weekend and get it back to you Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Introduction and discussion of Coptic structure.
Demonstration of Coptic book. Work in class.
For the Coptic I will show you how to construct and finish the boards, join your thread, connect the covers to the first section and start sewing the book together. Depending on how things go I may have to break this over 2 classes.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Introduction and discussion of Hinged and Portfolio structures and Stiff Leaf structures.
Demonstration of Stiff Leaf Album book.
Demonstration of Modular Hinged book and Portfolio Case.
I will demonstrate the processes involved in constructing a Stiff Leaf Album Book, Modular Hinged Book structure and Portfolio Case structure. Work in class.

Work toward turning in three more books by Friday for a total of at 4 over the two weeks of class. Remember you can re-submit books or submit new versions to take the place of a book of lesser quality submitted earlier. Your grade will be determined by your best 6 books.

Monday, January 14, 2019


Introduction and discussion of Long Stitch structures.
Demonstration of Long Stitch book.
We will also review Hinged Panel, Portfolio and Stiff Leaf structures so you can get an idea what you need for materials. I will demo these structures Wednesday. Work in class for the remaining time.

Continue working on book structures. Turn in your work as you complete it. Shoot for having 4 books completed (total over the first 2 weeks) by Friday. Plan out what you have to do to get this done. Don't forget to include your self assessment when you turn in a book!

Friday, January 11, 2019


Introduction and discussion of Link Stitch and French Sewn section structures.
Demonstration of Link Stitch and French Sewn section books. Work in class.
We will also finish a glue up for a book covered with book boards and practice doing a weavers knot. I will also review accordion structures for anyone interested.

Continue to fold sections for the link stitch and the other multi-section structures we will be exploring this week.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Workday, First round of projects due.

Turn in at least 1 book or as many as you have completed by the end of class.
I will also take books Monday and on a rolling basis from now on. Don't forget to complete a self assessment with each book turned in. I can not accurately grade your project without a self assessment.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Introduction and discussion of Accordion structures, continued.
Demonstration of Double-leaved Accordion book. Work in class. After this demonstration many of the basic skills needed for the class will be behind us. Moving forward we will be concentrating on the specifics of particular book structures.

Buy materials and prepare book blocks and generally come prepared to be productive for the workday on Friday. Shoot for completing 1 to 2 books to turn in by the end of class.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Introduction and discussion of Accordion structures.
Demonstration of Continuous Strip Accordion book. Work in class.

Purchase/find paper and materials for next class. Fold folios/quartos/panels for books.

Monday, January 7, 2019


Complete the demonstration of Double Pamphlet Stitch.
Demonstration of book board construction.
Introduction and discussion of Linked Folio structure.
Demonstration of Linked Folio book. Work in class.
Today we will review the linked folio book - mainly how to prepare boards for the book - a demonstration of book boards from preparation to glue-up on book block and the sewing technique.

Purchase/find paper, materials and tools for next class. Fold folios/quartos/panels for books.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoyed holidays and that you are looking forward to Bookbinding this January.

This blog will be used extensively to communicate vital information regarding this course and its projects. Check it often for updates and information. Resources for the course are located in the menu above, primarily the handouts page.

Introduction to the class. Review syllabus. Review bindings and structures.
Demonstration of basic operations. Demonstration of folding, making sections.
Introduction and discussion of Pamphlet Stitch structures.
Demonstration of Pamphlet Stitch and Double Pamphlet Stitch.
Construct basic operations booklet. Work in class.

Purchase/find paper, materials and tools for next class. Fold sections for book.

Class Information
Self Assessment Criteria
Self Assessment Sheet:      PDF     TXT
Final Grade Sheet
Basic Operations Handout and Book 1(Pamphlet Stitch):
0. Basic Operations Booklet
1. Pamphlet Stitch Bindings